
B.Sc. Thesis – Online Crowd Gaming, 2019

The game uses a very often used and well known premisse in Survival Games. In a post apocalyptic scenario two characters find shelter in an abandoned house. Day by day certain things are happening which the characters have to survive through, keeping their hunger to a minimum and their morale as high as possible. Morale Decisions have to be made when other people get in contact with the house occupiers. Helping others or securing one’s own survival? 

This prototype was made to support the research of my Bachelor Thesis with the title “Online Crowd Gaming: Conceptualization and Evaluation of a collaborative Video Game on Twitch”. Game Design, Visionkeeping and Managing the team were done by me. In addition, I reached out to a big streaming platform and got an appearance on their show (see video) to present the project and get scientific research data for my thesis.

The Team

Nenad Slavujevic – Code
Brian Walter – Art
Keno Rott – Sound

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